Sustainable, health promoting solutions for animal production

For over 20 years we develop and produce mainly liquid complementary feeding stuff as natural and health promoting solutions in animal production

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Mercordi animal care founded by specialised poultry veterinarians, develops highly specific health-supporting feed additives for all types of industrial-reared poultry and livestock. In this matter, our starting point has always been to rise above the mediocrity of everyday market. We aim to provide quality solutions to poultry producers around the world, without neglecting our responsibility in the “feed for food” chain. With a team of experienced poultry vets and Bio Engineers in animal production and cell- and gentechnology, we do have a clear understanding of the everyday challenges and needs of the livestock industry. Together with literature- and self-study, gathering and analysing information from empirical evidence and own experiences, we are constantly challenged to leave the classic way of thinking in product development, to stay sharp and think out of the box. Therefore, Mercrodi’s mission is to complement or even replace conventional treatment, while especting man, animals and the environment and at the same time ensuring an optimal return on investment for its client-partners.

uploaded: Aug. 31, 2023